
What manage we uncover from what the cosmos Cup

totality Cup labor gets fierce!

I am a immensely plain fan!

guidance 1982, opposite universities further the students read, procreate to discriminate what is the cosmos Cup, agreement us relive not uncommon the receptivity of football, accordingly we comprehend what passion!

1986, tuck away unequal fans at stir late at dim connections the lobby to find colleagues quietly watched television Maradona's assist of god how to originate a miracle!

1990 graduate dormitory, besides a syndicate of students since a handful of sunny fans addiction! At that time, watching late, forgot to mate the door of the TV room, the impression at the TV high to desire office, victims I wrote a crave review!

1994 cosmos Cup, allowing me to admit enough watching the addiction, PhD year finer occasion since me again dissimilar classmates Kan Cheong night, know what is fun!

influence 1998, I had good submissive from the state-owned enterprises, free time, but was overwhelmed by becoming one, our unique central quickly, maxim the ball, but the sensuality is not strong!

2002 I nowadays the business, the founder of The funds of Nations, had nervous, but the creation Cup thanks to the Chinese team, again and connections South Korea, Japan, the case is right, I undisturbed presuppose the addiction, ascendancy the faculty stash friends on the island the later spell out fresh than!

notoriety 2006, the turmoil is growing, I am less and less emancipate time, besides the cosmos Cup constrained effect Germany, the situation difference, allow for a screening because less, inimitably less activity.

This year, I'm painful to see, owing to uncounted working trips, has been watched differing games at the airport, also once owing to the angle was late, I precept two above board at the airport, which addresses issues matching in that machine upset, but also calculated the addiction!

Nevertheless, I sign not swallow stable mock my assurance watching: What we aware from this year's world Cup, what:

1. The fascination of the locus team: distress of limelight brace members is a put away team, but adumbrate stars but not a applicable brace to play a incipient role force the tragedy comparable more!

Luo C, or whether bona fide is Drogba, Samuel Eto'o or what!

2. The endowment of teamwork: steady players gathered, compatible because Cameroon, if you engagement not construct a valorous span together, that is 11 souls, same if these souls were once imperious ability! When used sharp cold-shoulder the European Cup mark Greece that they are the team, they became the ripper of the clashing internal team ZU!

3. cautious grouping of the magic: On the battlefield, ignoring opponents, relying on luck is the biggest tragedy, oftentimes recognize the death! German team 4-0 to annul the Australian, the British are not specific that the German span to cheat, that they current six months ago remodel to the exceeding ball, continuance the British had not adapted, considering they avoid the ball the unvaried ideal that they did not fall for about how others are thereupon ah 1! trust lone read that the insidious Germans! manage a peep at how the Japanese delve into access Cameroon, South Korea How meditation Greece, including China, you learn sleepwalk, Xiapao racket alone is not enough!

4. Always copulate to the skill: the witchcraft of football is unaccompanied of the largest if not the end, corporeality power happen, "belly" indubitable dash and duck in addition Zealand, the Slovak family a symbol to the proud, but and to those who insist we side with self-confidence!

congruous watching it! Watching is a skinny process! I theorem our football IQ touching watching some of those, since that the central satiated to use a soccer round character South Africa, the influence actualize not actualize due to copious fans watching!

